Monday 23 July 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Web-Based Multimedia

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Web-Based Multimedia

–Can address a variety of learning styles
•Visual learners
•Auditory learners
•Kinesthetic learners
–Material more interesting and enjoyable
–Many ideas are easier to convey
–Time and cost of development
–Compatibility and download time for Web-based multimedia

Web-Based Multimedia Applications

Web-Based Multimedia Applications

•Information delivery: Photos of products, video clips, animation to convey concepts, etc.
•E-commerce: Photos of products, samples of movies and music, etc.
–Virtual reality (VR): The use of a computer to create three-dimensional environments that look like they do in the real world. (homes for sale, etc.)
–Augmented reality: Overlaying computer generated images on top of real time images
•Entertainment: Online TV/movies, music, games, etc.

What Is Web-Based Multimedia?

What Is Web-Based Multimedia?

•Multimedia: The integration of a variety of media, such as text, images, video, animation, and sound
•Web-based multimedia (also called rich media): Multimedia located on Web pages
•Multimedia sites often contain elements that users interact with directly
–Control the delivery of a sound or video clip, manipulate a 3D object, play a game, etc.
•Fast computers and broadband Internet connections make Web-based multimedia much more feasible than in the past
•Vast majority of Web sites today include multimedia (advertisements, TV shows, podcasts, user generated content)